
Monday, July 24, 2017

Unity3D - Prefab Manager


After spending some years in Game Industry, I realize managing prefabs and make them pool is a major and necessary module of each game.

As, instantiating and destroying calls are really expensive at runtime. So, due to this, it is better to pool instantiated objects and recycle them after use, for future.


In Unity projects, programmers have to instantiate and destroy various GameObjects at runtime like enemies, particles, powerups, health boxes etc. So, it is better to pool them and recycle them.

Unity Asset Store Link 

GitHub Link


  • Easily pool GameObjects in your game
  • Promotes the use of pooling concept
  • Auto scale your pool
  • Prefab manager to spawn and recycle
  • Improve the performance of your game
  • Place prefabs anywhere in Assets/ and just place a reference in PrefabManager
  • Maintains hierarchy under PrefabManager
  • Select when you want to create your pool on Awake, Start or Manually
  • Still you can update the data of the newly spawned objects
  • Easy to use, Plug n play
  • Open Source code without any DLL

                  Sunday, April 30, 2017

                  Unity3D - UI Sprite Manager


                  After spending some years in Game Industry, I realize managing sprites in large projects is a headache, as artists have to iterate images a lot to make them better, cool and according to demand. While developers have to integrate those images and to show the feel of those images in the game.

                  Also, due to this hassle, artists and developers choose a messy workaround, and instead of working in sprite sheet, they start working in individual sprites.


                  In big Unity projects, artists have to modify images frequently to make it better, and developers have to reflect that change, as the old reference becomes Missing (if the name of the updated sprite is not the same)

                  Unity Asset Store Link



                  • Easily make reskin of your game, if the game is made using UI Sprite Manager
                  • Promotes the use of sprite sheet/atlas
                  • Get full use of sprite sheet and packaging tag
                  • Decrease the size of your game using sprite sheet
                  • Place images anywhere in Assets/, as if the images are placed in Assets/Resources packaging tag don't work
                  • Still you can change the sprite on runtime with ImageExtension public methods
                  • Easy to use, Plug n play
                  • Open Source code without any DLL
                  • Done by using asset file and extending Image component