
Friday, April 02, 2021

Unity3D - Flexible Grid Layout


Thanks for downloading this package stay tuned this is just the beginning or you may call it proof of concept more features are in the queue.

As couldn't find any reliable Unity UI solution for the flexible grid layout, so here it is


Flexible grid layout used majorly for tags, and to show selected options

Unity Asset Store Link


  • Easily integrate Flexible Grid Layout in your game
  • Vertical and horizontal
  • Easy to customize using asset file
  • Easy to use multiple styles with different customizations using asset file
  • Easy to use, Plug n play
  • 12 example scenes
  • Made with Unity UI
  • Fully customizable
  • Open Source code without any DLL

Monday, July 24, 2017

Unity3D - Prefab Manager


After spending some years in Game Industry, I realize managing prefabs and make them pool is a major and necessary module of each game.

As, instantiating and destroying calls are really expensive at runtime. So, due to this, it is better to pool instantiated objects and recycle them after use, for future.


In Unity projects, programmers have to instantiate and destroy various GameObjects at runtime like enemies, particles, powerups, health boxes etc. So, it is better to pool them and recycle them.

Unity Asset Store Link 

GitHub Link


  • Easily pool GameObjects in your game
  • Promotes the use of pooling concept
  • Auto scale your pool
  • Prefab manager to spawn and recycle
  • Improve the performance of your game
  • Place prefabs anywhere in Assets/ and just place a reference in PrefabManager
  • Maintains hierarchy under PrefabManager
  • Select when you want to create your pool on Awake, Start or Manually
  • Still you can update the data of the newly spawned objects
  • Easy to use, Plug n play
  • Open Source code without any DLL

                  Sunday, April 30, 2017

                  Unity3D - UI Sprite Manager


                  After spending some years in Game Industry, I realize managing sprites in large projects is a headache, as artists have to iterate images a lot to make them better, cool and according to demand. While developers have to integrate those images and to show the feel of those images in the game.

                  Also, due to this hassle, artists and developers choose a messy workaround, and instead of working in sprite sheet, they start working in individual sprites.


                  In big Unity projects, artists have to modify images frequently to make it better, and developers have to reflect that change, as the old reference becomes Missing (if the name of the updated sprite is not the same)

                  Unity Asset Store Link



                  • Easily make reskin of your game, if the game is made using UI Sprite Manager
                  • Promotes the use of sprite sheet/atlas
                  • Get full use of sprite sheet and packaging tag
                  • Decrease the size of your game using sprite sheet
                  • Place images anywhere in Assets/, as if the images are placed in Assets/Resources packaging tag don't work
                  • Still you can change the sprite on runtime with ImageExtension public methods
                  • Easy to use, Plug n play
                  • Open Source code without any DLL
                  • Done by using asset file and extending Image component

                  Thursday, January 03, 2013

                  LALR Parser - Look-Ahead LR Parser

                  In computer science, an LALR parser or Look-Ahead LR parser is a simplified version of a Canonical LR parser. It was invented by Frank DeRemer in his 1969 PhD. dissertation "Practical Translators for LR(k) languages" in order to address the practical difficulties of that time of implementing Canonical LR parsers. The simplification that takes place results in a parser with significantly reduced memory requirements but decreased language recognition power. However, this power is enough for many real computer languages including Java. Usually this happens with the addition of some hand-written code that extends the power of the parser.
                  LALR parsers are automatically generated by compiler compilers such as Yacc and GNU Bison.
                  As with other types of LR parser, an LALR parser is quite efficient at finding the single correct bottom-up parse in a single left-to-right scan over the input stream, because it doesn't need to use backtracking. Being a look-ahead parser by definition, it always uses a look-ahead, with LALR(1) being the most common case.

                  Saturday, December 29, 2012

                  Image Resizing using CSS with HTML


                  In web development, we have to use images in our website. Usually, for the users display picture, users uploaded pictures, picture collection etc.

                  We can't allow the user to upload any size image which disturbs our website look and it results in failure of our website design. So, we recommend users to upload the image with our own specified dimensions or size of the file which don't disturb our website design.

                  But, also we think we should re-size the image when user uploads it without restricting him. As, non-important applied restrictions to the users will disturb the users behavior which results in the less visits and less recommendation by them.

                  So, try to use such techniques which allow users to navigate/visit freely in your website. So, try to use CSS re-sizing of image with HTML/HTML5.

                  Thursday, September 27, 2012

                  Semantic Analysis



                  A compiler is a piece of software that translates the source code written in a high-level programming language to object code in a low-level programming language. This process is performed so that the code may be transformed into an executable program.

                  The first compiler was written in 1952 by Grace Hopper for the A-0 programming language. The FORTRAN team is generally credited as having introduced the first complete compiler in 1957. In 1960, COBOL was the first language to be compiled on multiple architectures.
                  Structure of a Compiler:

                  Wednesday, August 03, 2011

                  Binary Search Tree - Code

                  Binary Search Tree
                  The following C++ code will explains the implementation of Binary Search Tree.
                  The following implementation is in object oriented using the Tree class and tree object
                  The implemented ADT functions of Binary Search Tree are insert and search.

                  Wednesday, June 22, 2011

                  Binary Search Tree

                  Introduction to Tree
                  Tree is used in data structure. A tree is used for quick search and can store unordered data.

                  A tree diagram is a useful tool to list all the logical possibilities of a sequence of events where each event can occur in a finite number of ways.

                  A tree consists of a root, a number of branches leaving the root, and possible additional branches leaving the end points of other branches.

                  A tree is normally constructed from left to right. A vertex of degree 1 in a tree is called a terminal vertex or a leaf node and a vertex of degree greater than 1 in a tree is called an internal vertex or a branch. The nodes at the lowest levels of the tree (the ones with no sub-trees) are called leaves.

                  Monday, February 14, 2011

                  Depth First Search

                  What is Graph?
                  A graph is just a set of vertices (nodes), together with edges (connections) between some pairs of nodes. If the connections have a direction, the graph is said to be “directed graph”, otherwise the graph is said to be “undirected graph”.

                  A graph G = (V, E) with V, i.e. set of vertices and E, i.e. set of edges.

                  Searching a graph: Systematically follow the edges of a graph to visit the vertices of the graph. And is used to discover the structure of a graph.

                  Standard graph searching algorithms are
                  • Depth First Search (DFS)
                  • Breadth First Search (BFS)
                  Problem Statement
                  Deeply search a graph to make logical tree. 

                  Depth First Search
                  Depth first is an algorithm for traversing or searching a tree. It explore edges out of the most recently discovered vertex v. When all edges of v have been explored, backtrack to explore other edges leaving the vertex from which v was discovered (its predecessor). 

                   “Search as deep as possible first.”
                  Depth first search is another way of traversing graphs, which is closely related to preorder traversal of a tree. 

                  Wednesday, December 15, 2010

                  Computer Networks

                  Network in other words, you can say is a ‘web’. So, Computer Network becomes ‘web of computers’. This special kind of web of computers should be designed so intelligently that there should be no mess, not much expensive, secure, efficient and quick in communicating with each other.
                  For computers to communicate with other computers there should be some devices which are able to send data (according to its nature) in medium. Network devices are the components used to connect computers or electronic devices to communicate in a network of computers.
                  Network devices are those devices which are used to interconnect two or more than two computers with each other to share data, information, voice, resources and to communicate with each other.
                  Network devices are the hardware responsible to send data on medium and some software, which helps in making a secure and efficient network. And the software is also used to monitor the traffic of the network device.
                  The network devices and its components which you use in a network depend on the type of need of the network with efficiency, speedy, secure and cheap. 

                  Friday, November 05, 2010

                  Double Link List

                  Double Link List 
                  The following C++ code will explains the implementation of Double Link List.
                  The following implementation is in object oriented using the DoubleLinkList class and dll object. The implemented ADT functions of Double Link List are insert, print, search, modify and delete.

                  Saturday, October 30, 2010

                  Single Link List

                  Single Link List
                  The following C++ code will explains the implementation of Single Link List.
                  The following implementation is in object oriented using the SingleLinkList class and sll object. The implemented ADT functions of Single Link List are insert, print, search, modify and delete.

                  Saturday, October 09, 2010

                  Insertion sort

                  In insertion sort, we compares adjacent elements and swap them, if they are out of order. We take the next element and insert into the sorted list that we maintained in the beginning of the array and repeats the procedure on it and so on.

                  Insertion sort provides several advantages
                  • Insertion sort takes advantage of pre-sorting
                  • Simple implementation
                  • Efficient for small data sets
                  • Stable: does not change the relative order of elements with equal keys
                  • O(1) extra space
                  • O(n2) comparisons and swaps
                  • Adaptive: O(n) time when nearly sorted
                  • Very low overhead
                  • Online: New elements can be added during the sort

                  Friday, September 17, 2010

                  Merge Sort

                  Merge Sort 
                  The following C++ code will explains the implementation of Merge Sort and sort the user input numbers in descending order.
                  The following implementation is in object oriented using the MergeSort class and ms object. Actual logic of Merge sort is in the function of Merge().

                  Friday, September 03, 2010

                  Bubble Sort

                  Bubble Sort
                  The following C++ code will explains the implementation of Bubble sort and sort the user input numbers in descending order.
                  The following implementation is in object oriented using the BubbleSort class and bs object. Actual logic of Bubble sort is in the function of BSort(). 

                  Saturday, August 28, 2010

                  Linear Searching

                  Linear Searching 
                  The following C++ code will explains the implementation of Linear Searching and sort the user input numbers in descending order.
                  The following implementation is in object oriented using the LinearSearching class and ls object. Actual logic of Linear Searching is in the function of LSearching().
                  Remember in Linear Searching, bubble sort is used to sort the data and to search in the sorted data Linear Searching is used.

                  General Searching

                  General Searching 
                  The following C++ code will explains the implementation of General Searching and sort the user input numbers in descending order.
                  The following implementation is in object oriented using the GeneralSearching class and gs object. Actual logic of General Searching is in the function of GSearching(). 
                  Remember in General Searching, bubble sort is used to sort the data and to search in the sorted data General Searching is used.

                  Tuesday, July 13, 2010

                  CMMI - Capability Maturity Model Integration


                  CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is a set of rules and recommendations which should lead to improvements within your organization. It puts best practices used in software development and service management. It has been developed in Carnegie-Mellon University by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI).

                  CMMI may also be understood as a framework to recognize and improve processes within organization. Because of its abstraction it can be used for all kinds of manufacture. CMMI levels is a set of steps which each organization can obtain in order to increase its value on a market. It requires a lot of involvement and efforts to get onto level 5.

                  1. Initial
                  2. Managed
                  3. Defined
                  4. Quantitatively Managed
                  5. Optimizing

                  Friday, March 12, 2010

                  Pipeline Forwarding

                  What is pipelining?
                  Pipelining forwarding is a method to prevent the hazards of pipelining. If in a clock pulse multi-processes can be done, by availing this opportunity leads the processing and efficiency of our software can be increased as time consumption is much less.

                  Saturday, August 22, 2009

                  Equation of Motion

                  Equation of Motion

                  There are three important equations which are used to solve the problems about the motion of bodies. These equations show the relation between initial velocity, final velocity, acceleration, distance and time. These are known as equations of motion. It is necessary to mention that in these equations
                  • Motion will always be taken along straight line.
                  • Acceleration will be uniform.
                  • Although velocity, acceleration etc. are vector quantities but in these equations their magnitude will only be considered.
                  • Initial velocity will be taken as positive. Other quantities which are in the direction of initial velocity will be taken as positive and in the opposite direction will be taken as negative
                  The three equations of motion are: 

                  Sunday, October 26, 2008

                  Gap between generations – A challenge for the Future

                  What is Generation gap?
                    • A difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents.
                    • "Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.” (George Orwell)